2020 RBA最新版-勞工 (labor)部分調整「費用定義」

外勞仲介服務費一直許多準備或正在執行 RBA VAP的廠商傷腦筋的首要議題,RBA官方組織在陸續在這幾年不斷的更新「Definition of Fees(費用定義)」,讓廠商可以更明確清楚的瞭解針對「服務費處理」因應的方向。

最新版本的「Definition of Fees(費用定義)」,即將會在2020年1月1日開始啟用,舊版本的「Definition of Fees(費用定義)」也僅適用至2019年12月31日。

以下節錄 RBA 2020年最新版「Definition of Fees(費用定義)」重點,提供更清楚的「定義」:

  • 新增兩種類型的移工
  1. 無證移工:非經正規管道、授權入境並取得工作權者。
  2. 專業人員(即一般俗稱的外籍白領):非屬於本文件定義之對象,實務上為非直接人員。
  • 「勞工不應支付/合法支付」增加細節
  1. 2020版對於「勞工不應支付」的項目有更多更細的列舉,如:移工翻譯協助衍伸費用、背景調查與資歷檢查的規費;「勞工可合法支付」也明確說明了相關項目,如:文件複印費用、遺失證件自行補辦的費用…等。
  • 費用判定矩陣
  1. 提供新版將「勞工不應支付」、「勞工可合法支付」等項目整理成方便判定的矩陣圖,並以4個勞工正處於招聘之流程之階段及2個勞工處境來劃分。

▼以下提供完整「中英對照」2020年版本「Definition of Fees(費用定義)」調整供業界夥伴參考。

【RBA Trafficked and Forced Labor – “Definition of Fees”January 2020】


(Revised by the RBA Board of Directors on October 23, 2019. This version is effective January 1, 2020)



1. A Migrant Worker is a person who either migrates within their country of origin (internal migration) or outside it (crossing an international border) to pursue employment.

1. 移工是指在其原本國籍內遷移(內部移民)或在其原本國籍(跨越國際邊界)尋求工作的人。

(a) A Foreign Migrant Worker is an individual that is recruited and migrates from their country of origin to another country where they are not a permanent resident for specific purposes of employment.

(a) 外國移工是被徵募並從其原本國籍遷移到另一個國家的國家,在該國家中,他們不是永久居民,而是出於特定的就業目的。

(b) An Internal Migrant Worker is an individual that is recruited and migrates from their habitual place of residence to another state or province within the same country where they are a national for specific purposes of employment.

(b) 內部移工是被徵募並從其原居住地遷移到其國民中用於特定就業目的的同一國家/地區中的另一個州或省的個人。

2. An Undocumented Migrant Worker or migrant worker in an irregular situation is a Migrant Worker who is not authorized to enter, to stay or to engage in employment in a State.

2. 無證件的移工或處於非正常狀況的移工是未經授權進入某個國家,在該州停留或從事工作的移工。

3. Professional Employees are those engaged in work that is predominantly intellectual and varied in character as opposed to more routine, mental, manual, mechanical, or physical work; such work involves the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment in its performance and is of such a character that the output produced or the result accomplished cannot be standardized in relation to a given period of time.

3. 專業僱員是指主要從事知識性和性質各異的工作的人,而不是從事更多常規,腦力勞動,體力勞動或機械工作的人;此類工作涉及對工作表現的酌處權和判斷力的持續行使,其特點是所產生的輸出或完成的結果不能在給定的時間段內標準化。


1. The RBA recognizes that responsible employment and recruitment, including its associated fees and costs, is critical to the protection of workers and their rights. Workers that are most vulnerable to poor working conditions, abuse and exploitation or, in the worst case, forced labor and human trafficking, require the most protection. Consistent with the RBA Validated Assessment Program (VAP) methodology focusing on production / hourly workers, the provisions outlined here are henceforth applicable to all workers excluding Professional Employees.

1. RBA體認到負責任的就業和招聘,包括相關的費用和成本,對於保護工人及其權利至關重要。最容易受到惡劣的工作條件,虐待和剝削,或者最壞的情況是強迫勞動和人口販運的工人,需要的保護最多。與專注於生產工人/小時工的RBA驗證評估計劃(VAP)方法一致,此處概述的規定此後適用於除專業員工之外的所有工人。


1. Overarching Principle:首要原則

(a) Workers shall not be required to pay fees for their employment.

(a) 不得要求工人支付僱用費。

2. Supporting Principles:支持原則

(a) All In Scope Workers should not be required to pay application, recruiting, hiring, placement, or processing fees at any time (i.e. fees in section IV. 3).

(a) 不應要求所有範圍內的工人在任何時候支付申請,招聘,僱用,安置或處理費用(即第IV。3節中的費用)

(b) All In Scope Workers should not be required to pay any fees once they have been made an offer (i.e. fees in sections IV.3, IV. 4, or IV. 6).

(b) 稽核範圍內的工人一旦提出要約,就無需繳納任何費用(即,第IV.3,IV.4或IV.6節中的費用)。

  • (i) Exception 1: If worker travels back to their hometown, village or place of residence before departing the country of origin to start work in the country of destination, they are responsible for those costs.
  • (i) 例外1:如果工人在離開原本國籍開始在目的地國工作之前返回家鄉,村莊或居住地,則應承擔這些費用。
  • (ii) Exception 2: If a worker initiates the application, presenting themselves to the company at the place of employment, they will have paid or will pay some of the fees in section IV.4 such as passport, visa, residency certificate, transportation and should not expect to be reimbursed as the employer did not seek them out in their country, province, state or region of origin.
  • (ii) 例外2:如果工人提出申請,並在工作地點出示公司,他們將已經支付或將支付第IV.4節中的某些費用,例如護照,簽證,居留證,交通費並且不應期望得到報銷,因為雇主沒有在原本國籍城市,省,州或地區招募他們。

(c) If a fee is not specifically listed in the Definition of Fees or does not fit any of the categories, Migrant Workers should not pay anything that a Local Worker would not pay.

(c) 如果費用沒有在費用定義中明確列出或不屬於任何類別,則移民工人不應支付當地工人不願支付的任何費用。

(d) Workers should not expect to be reimbursed for basic items to prepare for the interview such as CV preparation, copies of existing documents and certificates, and incidentals.

(d) 不應期望向工人退款準備面試的基本物品,例如履歷的準備,現有文件和證書的副本以及雜費。


1. Effective January 1, 2016, workers shall not be required to pay fees to obtain or retain their employment. Where the worker is found to have paid fees, the worker is reimbursed as soon as practicable but no later than 90 days after commencement of employment. Documentation of payments should be provided but may not always be required for repayment.

1. 自2016年1月1日起,工人無須為獲得或保留工作而支付任何費用。如果發現工人已付費,則應在切實可行的範圍內盡快償還該工人的費用,但不得晚於僱用開始後的90天之內。應該提供付款文件,但不一定總是要求還款。

2. For workers hired prior to January 1, 2016, the maximum amount of fees that a worker can pay is 1 month of gross base wages.

2. 對於2016年1月1日之前僱用的工人,該工人可以支付的最高費用為基本工資總額的1個月。

3. The following recruitment and service fees are not to be paid by any worker including temporary, migrant, student, contract, direct employees, and any other type of worker:

3. 以下任何招聘和服務費均不得由任何工人支付,包括臨時工,移民,學生,合約工,直接僱員和任何其他類型的工人:

  • Application, recommendation, recruiting, skills testing, interviewing, selecting / hiring, placement, and processing fees, of any kind or at any stage, including agent, sub-agent, intermediary, or employer operating, administrative and overhead costs associated with the recruitment, selection, consideration, hiring, and placement of those workers.
  • 申請,推薦,招聘,技能測試,面試,選擇/任何種類或在任何階段的僱用,安置和手續費,包括與這些工人的招聘,甄選,考慮,僱用和安置相關的代理商,子代理商,中介或雇主的運營,管理和間接費用。

4. The following recruitment- and service-related costs are not to be paid by Migrant Workers:

4. 下列與招募和服務有關的費用不由移工支付:

(a) Pre-departure fees and costs including but not limited to:

(a) 出發前的費用和費用,包括但不限於:

  • Skills tests技能測試
  • Additional Certifications附加認證
  • Medical exams/screening if required by the employer or law如果雇主或法律要求進行體檢/檢查
  • Pre-departure training or orientation出發前培訓或入職培訓
  • Any other requirements to access the job opportunity訪問工作機會的任何其他要求
  • Any agent or attorneys, or other notary or legal fees任何代理人或律師,或其他公證或法律費用
  • Language interpretation or translation fees語言翻譯或翻譯費
  • Background and reference checks背景和參考檢查

(b) Documentation / Permits and associated costs of obtaining such documents and/or permits:

(b) 文件/許可證和獲得此類文件和/或許可證的相關費用:

  • New passport/identity documents needed for the purposes of obtaining employment, including renewal(s) required for the purposes
    of retaining employment獲得就業所需的新護照/身份證明文件,包括為保留就業所需的續簽
  • Visas (including renewals) 簽證(包括續簽)
  • Photos for new passport or visas and renewals新護照或簽證和續籤的照片
  • Temporary work or residence permits (including renewals) 臨時工作或居住許可證(包括續簽)
  • Police clearance fee警察清關費
  • Birth Certification fee出生證明費
  • Certificate of good behavior fee良好行為收費證明

(c) Transportation and in-transit lodging costs (including all taxes and fees):

(c) 交通和過境住宿費用(包括所有稅費):

(i) For Foreign Migrant Workers: 對於外國移工:

  • Transportation and in-transit lodging costs after the employment offer has been made and accepted, from their habitual place of residence in their country of origin to the port of departure在提供並接受工作邀請後,從其原本國籍的原居住地到出發港口的交通和過境住宿費用
  • Transportation from country of origin to receiving country port of entry including but not limited to airfare, or costs of other modes of transportation, terminal fees and travel taxes從原本國籍到接收國入境口岸的交通,包括但不限於飛機票或其他交通方式的費用,碼頭費和車船稅
  • Transportation from receiving country port of entry to supplier’s facility or provided accommodations從接收國的入境口岸交通到供應商的設施或提供的住所
  • Border-crossing fees過境費
  • Relocation costs if asked to move once employment has begun如果在就業開始後被要求搬遷,搬遷費用
  • Return transportation to employee’s habitual place of residence in country of origin at the end of employment在工作結束後搭乘交通工具返回員工在原本國籍的原居住地

(ii) For Internal Migrant Workers: 對於內部移工:

  • Transportation and in-transit lodging costs after the employment offer has been made and accepted, from their habitual place of residence to the place of work提出並接受工作邀請後,從其原居住地到工作地點的交通和過境住宿費用
  • Relocation costs if asked to move once employment has begun如果在就業開始後被要求搬遷,搬遷費用

(d) Arrival / On-Boarding including but not limited to:

(d) 到達/登機,包括但不限於:

  • New-hire training or orientation新員工培訓或入職培訓
  • Medical exams/screening體格檢查/檢查
  • Immunizations

(e) Other legal requirements including but not limited to: 其他法律要求,包括但不限於:

  • Deposits and/or bonds (including non-legislated) 存款和/或債券(包括非立法)
  • Government-mandated migrant levies and worker welfare funds related to the employment of Foreign Migrant Workers與外國農民工就業有關的政府規定的移民稅和工人福利基金
  • Fees or related costs associated with regularizing Undocumented Migrant Workers for the purpose of employment through government authorized programs與通過政府授權計劃僱傭無證移民工人正規化有關的費用或相關費用
  • Obtaining permanent or temporary labor certification獲得永久或臨時工作證

5. These costs can be paid by worker if noted in their contract and a receipt or record of payment is provided. They must be without markup.

5. 如果工人在合約中有註明,可以支付這些費用,並提供付款收據或付款記錄。它們必須沒有標記。

(a) Basic expense item to prepare for the interview such as CV copies, copies of existing documents and certificates, incidentals

(a) 準備面試的基本費用項目,例如履歷副本,現有文件和證書的副本,雜費

(b) Costs to meet minimum qualifications for the job such as degree or certification

(b) 達到工作最低要求的費用,例如學位或證書

(c) Passport replacement cost due to employee loss or fault. For replacing visas/permits this also includes photo(s), providing/photocopying any documents,etc.

(c) 因僱員遺失或過失而導致的護照更換費用。為了替換簽證/許可證,還包括照片,提供/複印任何文件等。

(d) Dormitory and meals (must be fair market value and meet international health & safety standards)

(d) 宿舍和膳食(必須具有公平的市場價值並符合國際健康與安全標準)

6. All other initial and ongoing agent and employment administrative, legal and service fees, expenses and fees for work-related equipment, tools, and apparel shall be borne by the Employer.

6. 所有其他初始和正在進行的代理和僱傭管理,法律和服務費,與工作有關的設備,工具和服裝的費用以及費用,均應由雇主承擔。

7. Termination and Early Leave:

7. 終止和提早離開:

(a) If the worker has provided full notice period per their contract or local law – no fees should be charged

(a) 如果工人按照其合約或當地法律規定了完整的通知期,則不收取任何費用

(b) If the worker has not provided full notice period:

(b) 如果工人沒有提供完整的通知期:

  • (i) Worker can pay at most 60% of 1 month of gross base wages, if there is no legal penalty associated with worker leaving early
  • (i) 如果工人沒有提前離職而受到法律處罰,則工人最多可以支付1個月基本工資的60%
  • (ii) Worker cannot pay any fees if the worker had to leave without full notice period because of abuse or threat to safety
  • (ii) 如果由於濫用或對安全的威脅而不得不在無充分通知期的情況下離職,工人將不支付任何費用

8. For fees not listed, consult the Principles for guidance.

8. 對於未列出的費用,請查閱《原則》以獲取指導。


To help in understanding the fees, the following matrices note what fees the worker MUST NOT pay and MAY pay. The matrices are divided according to the worker’s situation and stage in the recruiting and hiring process. For fees not listed, consult the Principles forguidance.


  • Stage in the Process: Down the first column are the three stage in hiring: before a job offer has been made and accepted; after a job offer has been made and accepted and once the job has begun.
  • 流程的階段:在第一列的下方是招聘的三個階段:在提供和接受工作機會之前;在提出並接受工作邀請後,一旦工作開始。
  • Worker’s Situation: Some workers may choose to present themselves at the facility ready to work and may therefore have incurred costs that may not be reimbursed (e.g.,documentation, transportation). This situation is represented in the second column. The third column represents the situation where the recruiting is initiated by thecompany.
  • 一些工人可能會選擇在工作場所準備工作,因此產生的費用可能無法報銷(例如,文件,交通)。這種情況在第二欄中表示。第三列表示公司發起招聘的情況。

Matrix 1: Fees the worker MUST NOT pay depending upon the worker’s situation and stage in the recruiting, hiring and employment process. Workers never pay Section IV. 3 fees, deposits, or bonds. Items in bold are the differences between the two worker situations.

矩陣1:不得根據工人的狀況和在招聘,僱用和僱用過程中的階段而支付的費用。工人從不支付第四節。 3費用,押金或保證金。粗體字是兩個工作人員情況之間的區別。

Matrix 2: Fees the worker MAY pay depending upon the worker’s situation and stage in the recruiting, hiring and employment process. The employer/facility may choose to pay these fees. Items in bold are the differences between the two worker situations.



This Definition of Fees (DOF) document is reviewed and revised regularly to support the continued development and implementation of the RBA Code of Conduct, including taking into account new developments in regulatory standards and other principles and guidelines aligned with international labor standards. The following standards were referenced in the updating of the current DOF version and may be a useful source of additional information.

U.S. Government’s Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Definition of ‘‘Recruitment Fees’’

International Labour Organization (ILO)’s Definition of Recruitment Fees and Related Costs





五十道問題,13,其他,14,社會責任驗廠/供應鏈安全,35,食品安全,57,溫室氣體盤查標準,31,資訊安全,21,顧問觀點,61,CSR,52,FMEA,45,IATF與車用標準,29,ISO 13485&醫療器材,20,ISO 9001,33,ISO/IEC 17025,3,OH&S職安衛,23,QC080000,1,RBA(EICC),8,
ISO 顧問職人: 2020 RBA最新版-勞工 (labor)部分調整「費用定義」
2020 RBA最新版-勞工 (labor)部分調整「費用定義」
ISO 顧問職人
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